DATA-LINK is the newsletter of the Los Angeles Chapter of the ACM "The First Society in Computing". It contains news items and information about meetings of the Chapter, its special interest committees, other ACM chapters, and computer-related organizations in the area. DATA-LINK always carries a directory of people involved in ACM activities. An occasional feature is a column by Peter Coffee, Advanced Technologies Analyst for eWeek.

DATA-LINK is published monthly, except for July and August. It is distributed to all members of the Chapter, and is in the hands of our members about the 25th of each month, with information on meetings during the following month. Material for possible publication must be submitted to the Editor by the Friday after the first Wednesday of the month, which is our normal meeting date. Non-ACM material and late submissions will be accommodated only if space is available.

Material for publication must be sent as an ASCII file to los_angeles_chapter_newsletter@acm.org for automatic forwarding to the current editor. ADVERTISE IN THE DATA-LINK
DATA-LINK also accepts advertising. A half-page "sponsors" ad, placed on the back page, costs $150. Camera-ready copy, 4" by 7", in two- color separation, should be submitted to the Editor by the 1st of the month. Smaller ads are also accepted, at the rate of $25 per column inch. (Columns are 3.375 inches wide; no color separation.)

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