In DATA-LINK -- December 1958
The talk at the Chapter meeting is on "Computers and Automation in the USSR" by Dr. Eugene Grabbe of TRW.  The cost of the dinner (at Rodger Young Auditorium) is increased -- to $3.75.  The student chapter at UCLA is now fully organized with 32 paid members and attendance at meetings between 25 and  50.  Members are on the mailing list for DATA-LINK. 
Walt Bauer has assumed the duties of National Chairman of the ACM Editorial Board.  Paul Armer replaced him as Southwest Representative.  Applications for chapters in Kansas City and Washington, D.C., were approved.  Richard Hamming, ACM President, spoke at the organizational meeting of the Kansas City Chapter.  Jim Tupac and Leon Gainen of LA ACM attended the meeting. 
The Los Angeles Division of North American Aviation has a second IBM 705 on order, for delivery in April.  Litton Industries is getting a second Alwac III-E for their Culver City facility.  At Pacific Mutual, a Univac II has replaced a Univac I which has been in use since 1954.  Signs of the Times ---  A recent communication from Honest Austin, the Used Computer Coordinator: "We are pleased to give you the opportunity of saving over $16,000 on the purchase of a Burroughs E-102 electronic computer, used for 14 months by the Sun Oil Company.  You can have immediate delivery for $30,000 ..."  Any day now we expect to receive a flyer about the resale of a one-owner computer from the estate of a fastidious old lady in Pasadena who used it only for matrices less than 4 x 4, and who dusted the dropped bits off the drum every morning! 
The Computer Division of Bendix Aviation recently announced a new accessory to the G-15 digital computer which permits card reading and punching at 100 lines per minute simultaneously with computation.  It is felt that the new capabilities are comparable with those of much more expensive machines.  We like the name "Computology" for our profession, as suggested by E. C. Berkeley in the November issue of COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION.  A member of the profession would therefore be a "Computologist."  
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