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Los Angeles ACM Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, February 7, 2001

by Paul Schmidt and Lee Schmidt, of MARK 70

The Schmidt family team (Paul and Lee) will regale us with experiences of two top trade shows, both held in Las Vegas during the past three months.

They will present their views of COMDEX (Computer Dealers Exchange) and the Winter Consumer Electronics Show. They will have a supply of goodies to give away and will display all the literature they can carry.

Internet connections permitting, Lee and Paul will run some demos from the shows with an emphasis on on-line computer training.

To make sure that attendees remember them, exhibitors give away everything from pens to T-shirts to free samples of their wares; the Schmidts will pass some of them on to us. In fact, all dinner attendees who make reservations by February 4 are guaranteed a FREE T-shirt!!

  Paul Schmidt is a specialist in PC systems. He is a member of LA ACM and LA SIGPLAN, and currently is LA ACM Vice Chair and Web monster. 
  Lee Schmidt has a small computer services company in the Bakersfield area. He also likes to develop software when not going to trade shows. He is a member of ACM and SIGPLAN and is the current LA ACM Chair. 

  See their Web page:


LA ACM Chapter February Meeting held Wednesday, February 7, 2001.

The program was "Consumer Electronics (CES) 2001, COMDEX and FREE T-SHIRTS" presented by Lee Schmidt and Paul Schmidt of Mark 70.

Lee started out by showing some of the T-shirts he had obtained at the COMDEX and CES meetings in Las Vegas. He showed some give-away tote bags that are quite convenient and particularly useful in carrying the thick COMDEX guide that lists the speakers for all of the seminars that require payment. The best thing to do is to remove the maps of the show floors that indicate the location of exhibits for ease of use. However, Lee felt that the most interesting part of the shows was the free exhibits. Consumer electronics on display included watches, copiers and many other devices. There was much literature handed out.

COMDEX is the Computer Dealers Exchange and the name is assembled from the leading letters of the long title. The paid conferences were fairly expensive, ranging from $695 for one tutorial to from $1295-1895 for the major speakers. There were 2,700 exhibits in 2 exhibition halls that were two miles apart. The attendance was about 200,000 people. There was little parking available at the exhibition halls and none for visitors. However, there were frequent shuttle buses to and between the sites. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) had an attendance of 100,000.

The demonstration was a combination of items taken off the hard drive of Lee's computer and information downloaded via a 56K modem and displayed on the screen. Lee said many of the prominent items at the conference were Bluetooth wireless connection devices. The name Bluetooth comes from Harold Bluetooth who was a tenth century Viking king. Lee played a webcast of the start of Bill Gate's keynote presentation. Lee discussed some of the better items presented and remarked that a tablet PC using software from Microsoft looked good. The best of show device was an intelligent remote control that can be used to control just about everything.

Paul Schmidt provided some descriptions of the new versions of surround sound and the progression from two stereo speakers through a current arrangement of five speakers, three in front and two in the rear. The newest version has ten speakers.

Lee went on to demonstrate some online tutorials featuring streaming video and audio.

This was sixth meeting of the LA Chapter year and was attended by about 12 persons. A good time and T-shirts was had by all. Most of the meeting was interactive and on-line so it contained a lot of visual information and special effects that needed to be seen to be appreciated.

Mike Walsh, LA ACM Membership Chair
The Los Angeles Chapter normally meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Ramada Hotel, 6333 Bristol Parkway, Culver City. The program begins at 8 PM.   From the San Diego Freeway (405) take the Sepulveda/Centinela exit southbound or the Slauson/Sepulveda exit northbound. The menu choices are listed in the table above.

To make a reservation, call or e-mail John Radbill, (818) 353-8077, and indicate your choice of entree, by Sunday before the dinner meeting.
There is no charge or reservation required to attend the program. Parking is FREE!

For membership information, contact Mike Walsh, (818)785-5056 or follow this link.

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