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Joint Meeting
Los Angeles ACM Chapter and SIGPLAN

Wednesday, May 2, 2001

C Sharp - a New Language?

John T. Bagwell Jr., 
Computer Sciences Corp.

Microsoft has defined a new language, C# - they call it "C Sharp."  It is part of their new ".NET" ("dot net") initiative. Their .NET includes an extensive standard library, or API, enabling easy-to-build applications using COM or COM+ components. This library is shared across multiple programming languages. C# has been called a "clone of Java." We will examine this characterization by detractors, and show how it is partly true, but in many ways unjustified. The language will be contrasted with both Java and C++, since it has features from both languages. C# has some features which should make possible improved performance for web applications.

John is currently a Member at Large on the LA ACM Chapter Board. He began working with computers in 1960, and specialized early in Fortran compiler development. He joined Computer Sciences Corporation in 1968, and is still there, presently a Senior Consultant. In the early 70s, John participated on the committee to define Fortran 77. John no longer works with compiler development, but remains interested in the "latest" languages for programming. His present work involves web site development and design for a client of CSC.

"C Sharp - a New Language?"

The program at the Chapter meeting was presented by John T. Bagwell, Jr., of Computer Sciences Corporation. This was a joint meeting of the Los Angeles Chapter of ACM Chapter and the Special Interest Group in Programming Languages (SIGPLAN)
C# is C Sharp, not C Pound or C Number. Think musical notation. C# is a new language which is component-oriented with properties, methods and events built-in objects. It stems from Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft who also created Turbo Pascal and Delphi before he went to Microsoft. This is part of Microsoft's .NET initiative and it is not a clone of Java. A chart of design goals listed simplicity, consistency, modernity, object-oriented, type safety, scalability, version support, compatibility and flexibility. C# is based on both C++ and J++ (Java). Many features are closer to C++ than Java. Mr. Bagwell went through a series of charts comparing C# to both languages and outlining where they resembled or differed from them. C# is a new language which has been called a "kinder, gentler C" and is definitely not a clone of Java. 

As a meeting reporter I am in the position of not being familiar with C, C++ or Java; let alone C#. If you want to see the details of the talk go to John Bagwell's home site of or email him at 

He recommends three books: 
A Programmer's Introduction to C#, by Eric Gunderson (Apress). 
C# Essentials by Ben Albahari, Peter Drayton and Brad Merrill (O'Reilly).
Presenting C# by Christopher Wille (SAMS).

This was the ninth meeting of the LA Chapter year. John Bagwell gave a very interesting and lucid description of the C# language and discussed its characteristics with a very knowledgeable audience. 

Mike Walsh, LA ACM Membership Chair 

The Los Angeles Chapter normally meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Ramada Hotel, 6333 Bristol Parkway, Culver City. The program begins at 8 PM.   From the San Diego Freeway (405) take the Sepulveda/Centinela exit southbound or the Slauson/Sepulveda exit northbound.

6:30 p.m.  Social Hour

7:00 p.m. Dinner

8:00 p.m.  Presentation

The menu choices are listed in the table above.

To make a reservation, call or e-mail John Radbill, (818) 353-8077, and indicate your choice of entree, by Sunday before the dinner meeting.

There is no charge or reservation required to attend the program. Parking is FREE!

For membership information, contact Mike Walsh, (818)785-5056 or follow this link.

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